Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Speedy Trial

I reviewed an article from one of my fellow students regarding the 911 trials to be held in New York. They had some very emotional comments regarding the trials to be held in American and just yards from where the towers fell. I believe a good point was made that allowing more media coverage for these confessed terrorist is ridiculous and expensive. I also agree that they should have been tried at Guatanamo Bay and pulling them out of there to face trial in the US has major political ramifications.

The point of these confessed terrorist potentially being acquitted because of torture, and by the way lack of Miranda rights and appropriate representation, is a distinct possibility. Again, on an emotional side I completely agree with my fellow student that they do not deserve a trial, their pride for this crime is disgusting and disappearing would be ideal.

However, laws, trials, and appropriate convictions of malicious and ruthless individuals is not emotional it is a legal process that must be followed to be part of the developed and civilized world that we have been lucky enough to be born into and be a part of.

I believe they should have been processed according to their admitted crimes in Guatanamo and not brought to American soil again to open up a devastating wound. I am appalled to think about the amount of money it is going to suck from our wallets to put these people on trial, including the security that will be necessary for the people involved in this trial for the trail and potentially the rest of their lives. I only hope that sanity prevails and these people are found guilty and have the most stiff penalties allowed by law imposed upon them WITH AS LITTLE MEDIA COVERAGE AS POSSIBLE. Lets hope they get at least part of their 6th Amendment rights to a speedy trial and our wound can continue to heal from the pain that this tragedy has caused.